The South Korean tech giant announced today its plan to release a state of the art smart phone watch into the market.
A Samsung spokesman said: “We’ve been preparing the watch product for so long.
“We are working very hard to get ready for it.
“We are preparing products for the future, and the watch is definitely one of them.”
Unfortunately, no images have been officially released, but unconfirmed leaks in February showed pictures of "Galaxy Altius" - understood to be the new watch.
This device should come with data plan and internal memory, and it runs on a operating system called AltiusOS Beta2. In addition, this device uses 500 x 500 pixel resolution and it comes with a touchscreen.
Others say experts believe the leak proves their new watch would run on Google's android operating system.

Excitement about this technology has been building in recent years — particularly since the release of Nike’s Nike+ FuelBand.
The wristband monitors the wearer’s gym performance, and can upload information to smartphones like the new Samsung Galaxy S4 or an iPhone.
Samsung is thought to be developing their new designs because sales of smartphones have been declining in recent years as the market has become saturated.
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