Read the analysis said by a medical doctor "I am only saying this as an educative measure because i don't understand why people are so curious about cause of death when we shall all die.
DVT is DEEP VEIN THROMBOSIS. Meaning a blood clot in the large veins in the thighs or the lower legs. When for any reasons such clots break loose, they may travel to any part of the body such as the brain, lungs or heart.
Where ever they hit, they'll block off oxygen from getting through. If it hits the brain for example, it will lead to cerebral Ischemia, whereby brain cells die very quickly and of course, we are facing massive stroke in such patients. Where clinical intervention is not rapid, death follows rapidly. When such clots hit the lungs, we say such patients threw a P/E meaning, Pulmonary Embolism. Lungs got occluded, starved of oxygen and oxygenated blood and of course Death within a short while.
Same thing for the clot in the heart. This syndrome is peculiar to older people, but can hit younger people too. Those who are genetically disposed to it, those who smoke or who are on birth control pills or estrogen for menopausal syndrome are susceptible to it.
Also, those who are couch potato or immobile are prone to DVT. Reading the news about her death, I had suspected it was DVT. My candid advise is for long distance travellers to take 81mg of Aspirin before boarding and to do leg exercise if they can't move about in the plane .
Aspirin is a blood thinner. I will rather risk the temporary discomfort of Ulcer than a DVT. Besides, the 81mg is a baby aspirin. It could have saved her life. People should encourage doctors to do their CBC and Pt/ Ptt and the dimer test to see if they are prone to this syndrome. May God rest her soul!"
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