Thursday, September 20, 2012

WATCH:What Is It With Men And Big Bottoms?

Lots of women go to amazing lengths to watch their weight and stay trim and slim. Many virtually starve themselves and come just short of anorexic,
attending gym like mass and working out like Olympic athletes. I caught up with a couple of ladies at a popular gym in Abuja and got to talking. Noticing how furiously they worked the treadmills, pedaled the bikes, pumped the bar bells and attacked the aerobics, I asked: “Why do you work so hard, sweat so much?”

One said: “For health reasons, my dear.”

But I noted that the greater number of them replied something to the effect of ,”If I don’t keep my weight down, my guy will leave me for all those young, slim babes crawling all over town.”

I also quizzed a couple of men in the gym trying to get them to realise how dedicated to their men’s needs we women were.

One gentleman said: “That’s really nice but for me, I prefer my women big and plump sha.“

Another said: “Me too. I want to see lots of flesh, even fat.”

“Any reason in particular,” I asked.

“I am a real African. Real African men like their women big, fat, whatever you call it.”

At this point, I asked him for a more extended interview and this is how it went:

Q: What attracts you to a woman physically?

A: Plumpness. A big bosom and a fat backside.

Q: You don’t think too much weight is unhealthy?

A: Oh no, in fact a fat woman is a symbol of good health. If a woman is too slim like all these white models, I even fear that she may have some sickness.

Q: Haven’t you heard that obesity itself is a sickness?

A: Not for me o! But mind you, a fat woman can as well be shapely.

Q: So what is more important to you, her fat back or her character?

A: Of course, I will look into her character but she must have that thing too. I want a woman who looks the opposite of a man, so she must have big breasts and big backside because men don’t have those things.

Q: Looking at me, very slim and trim, don’t I hold any attraction for you?

A: No o! You can be my friend anyway but not lovers.

Q: Really?

A: Honestly, I will not take you seriously as a woman, just a pal.

Q: Oh, chei, thank you very much for turning me down, Lol!

A: Sorry, no hard feelings o, no long thing!
This African appetite for the super-sized posterior is not really as African as is generally assumed. It is more widespread(pun intended ) than you may think. As a matter of fact with all the junk food available in America it’s not surprising that some of the world’s largest women are to be found there, although I doubt if they can successfully compete with the best of South Africa. Lol.

The obsession with big buttocks can in fact get quite obscene. It is not unusual to see men who not only just crave the size but as well, the stretch marks, lumps and cellulite inherent therein. Thankfully, although the tendency towards plump hips and thighs(PHAT) is on the ascendancy worldwide, not everyone appreciates that extreme. They can steer a middle course, having the best of both world’s with the likes of Coco, Nicki Minaj, Beyonce, Omotola Jalade-ekehinde, Mercy Johnson, Toolz, Maliah Michel, Tracy Ogbonna, Amber Rose, Kim Kardashian, Buffy the Body, Vida Guerra, Jessica Biel, Scarlett, Johansson and formerly Jennifer Lopez( a lot of guys pray she gets back to her old form)

Women have gradually graduated from injecting their breasts with silicon, their lips with fillers to bottom pads to fill out their backsides, and even wearing artificial bums, that last one much to the annoyance of men in order to fit into the increasingly perceived notion of the acceptable, modern female figure.

So as we can see, Fluffy ladies, as my colleagues (db and Wnd)call it, are here to say.

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