Monday, September 24, 2012

Kristen Stewart: Real Reason Robert Pattinson So Devastated By Your Cheating

A new book with just revealed interviews with Robert Pattinson gives key insight into why your boyfriend took your cheating so hard and why you have to work extra full time to repair the damage you did.

Kristen Stewart- did you realize that Robert Pattinson admired and respected you, even before he met you? He may have even chosen to sign on to star in Twilight, because he was told that you were on board? That’s what he implied, when he told writer Talia Soghomonian, who has just published the eBook, Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, Taylor Lautner — In Their Own Words, that you, Kristen Stewart, were “his Twilight insurance.”

“I mean, she was on a good roll of classy jobs,” so it made Rob feel safe about making his Twilight commitment.

Think about that, Kristen. Rob knew who you were long before he met you , and he knew which roles you had starred in already AND he admired your choices. He thought you had made great career decisions — so good, that he was willing to follow your path. That’s just amazing. He already respected you without so much as ever seeing you in person..

Kristen, this gives new insight into how deep Rob’s feelings have been for you. He’s been in love with you on so many levels. Clearly, he’s been physically attracted to you, and he loves that you are both down-to-earth and like to lead low key private lives.

You both like music, books and travelling to out of the way places. And you both are very serious about building serious acting careers.

Why Robert Pattinson Was So Right For Kristen Stewart

Rob is not one of those guys with an inflated ego — he’s the opposite, in fact. Instead, he’s a man who can have a totally equal relationship with a woman, and that explains why it was easy for him to do that with you, since he looked up to you so much.

He also loved that you were a great co-star, he revealed in his interview. “She doesn’t back down to people. And it was quite good working with he for me, because I don’t like backing down to people,” he pointed out. More respect, more admiration.

So you see Kristen, when you let Rob down by cheating on him, it wasn’t just that he felt hurt, humiliated and betrayed, he also must have felt like he had to question everything he believed about you. He had a very idealized image of you and that image took a beating.

More Damage That Kristen Stewart Must Repair

He must have struggled with wondering how he could continue to admire and respect you if he forgave you, because admiring you was so large a part of his love.

The fact that he seems to be coming to terms with that is a sign of how deeply he loves you and feels connected to you, despite having to adjust his image of you and see that you have your weaknesses too. That’s big. He is one incredible guy.

Kristen — it’s interesting that Rob was raised by his older sisters as well as his mom — it’s taught him to hold women in high regard and it’s made him sensitive . You on the other hand grew up with brothers and that’s seemed to influence your own independence and tom boyish behavior. You each have been attracted to those qualities that the other has.

You really are a good match. And Rob has now proved his mettle even more as you two work your way through the cheating crisis.

But Kristen, don’t forget – as you two repair your relationship – that a big part of Rob’s initial attraction to you was based on his respect — so that’s something you need to focus on earning back, as well as his love!

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