Friday, August 24, 2012

Jodie Foster Pushed Kristen Stewart To Reemerge — Report

Kristen made her first public appearance since her affair on Monday Aug. 20, but a new report suggests it was Jodie who pushed the actress to reemerge and face the music! Read on for all the details.

Kristen Stewart emerged on Aug. 20, allegedly wearing Robert Pattinson’s baseball cap, backpack and a ring gifted to her by the 26-year-old actor. It was allegedly Jodie Foster who convinced Kristen, 22, to show herself in public — for the first time since the affair emerged.

“Jodie has been an incredible friend to Kristen through this whole situation,” a close source revealed to Radar Online.

“She told Kristen that it was no good moping around the house and that the sooner she faced the world and was seen in public, the quicker she can move on with her life. It wasn’t doing her any good hiding and Jodie was aware of that and convinced her to leave her safety zone in an effort to end the media hounding. While it goes a long way in helping matters, Jodie still thinks she could maybe address her actions with an exclusive interview. But Jodie is helping Kristen take baby steps in repairing the damage that was caused by her affair with Rupert,” the source said.

Jodie first took aim at the media attention on Kristen’s affair in an op-ed piece on The Daily Beast. Jodie, 49, who played Kristen’s mom in the 2002 thriller, Panic Room, wrote, “We’ve all seen the headlines at the check-out counter. ‘Kristen Stewart Caught.’ We’ve all thumbed the glossy pages here and there…There’s no guilt in acknowledging the human interest in public linens. It’s as old as the hills — we seldom consider the childhoods we unknowingly destroy in the process.”

Her advice to Kristen? “Eventually this all passes. The public horrors of today eventually blow away. And, yes, you are changed by the awful wake of reckoning they leave behind. You trust less. You calculate your steps. You survive. Hopefully in the process you don’t lose your ability to throw your arms in the air again and spin in wild abandon. That is the ultimate F.U. and—finally—the most beautiful survival tool of all. Don’t let them take that away from you,” she says.

Do you think Jodie was offering good advice by allegedly pushing Kristen to face the music and emerge in public once again? Was it TOO soon? Vote below!

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