Wednesday, March 13, 2013

PICTURED: Iranian President Ahmadinejad Under Attack For “Sinful” Hug With Grieving Hugo Chavez's Mother...

A photo of Iranian President Ahmadinejad hugging Hugo Chavez's mother at the late Venezuelan leader's funeral has sparked controversy among conservative Muslim clerics.
The image shows Ahmadinejad and Elena Frias de Chavez touching cheeks during a moment of shared grief.
But religious conservatives say his actions are 'sinful' under Islamic doctrine which forbids Muslim men from touching women outside their immediate family.
Controversy: This photo of President Ahmadinejad closely embracing Elena Frias de Chavez was slammed by religious conservatives in Iran
Controversy: This photo of President Ahmadinejad closely embracing Elena Frias de Chavez was slammed by religious conservatives in Iran
They claim the act insulted Iran's religious dignity and amounted to 'haram' – a term used to describe a religiously forbidden act under Islamic rules.
Mohammad Taghi Rahbar, the Friday prayer leader of Iran's second city, Isfahan, told Mehr news agency that Mr Ahmadinejad had 'lost control'.

He added: 'Shaking hands with a non-mahram (unrelated by family) woman, under any circumstances, whether young or old, is not allowed. Hugging or expressing emotions is improper for the dignity of the president of a country like the Islamic Republic of Iran.'
President Ahmadinejad has already come under fire from conservatives loyal to Ayatollah Khamenei, Iran's supreme religious leader, for posting a blog last week in tribute to Hugo Chavez which predicted he would return with Jesus Christ 'on resurrection day'.
Friends: Ahmadinejad has already been criticised for a blog which he posted in tribute to Hugo Chavez claiming he would one day be resurrected alongside Jesus Christ
Friends: Ahmadinejad has already been criticised for a blog which he posted in tribute to Hugo Chavez claiming he would one day be resurrected alongside Jesus Christ
Ayatollah Ahmad Khatami, a senior Iranian cleric, said: 'I say directly that he went too far with what he mentioned in his tribute.' 
'The president is well aware that such a tribute will provoke reactions in our religious institutes. He could have sent a diplomatic message with no religious connotations.'
The controversy surrounding the photograph became even more confused when one of Iran's newspapers accused the Daily Telegraph newspaper of having photoshopped the image 'amateurishly'.
Another photo claiming to be the original was circulated which showed Ahmadinejad embracing one of Chavez's uncles.
But it was soon established that in fact this was a fake and the Entekhab news website apologised, blaming a rogue reporter for the error.
President Ahmadinejad was one of a number of world leaders at the funeral of former Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez on Friday
President Ahmadinejad was one of a number of world leaders at the funeral of former Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez on Friday

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