Tuesday, December 4, 2012

You Are Using Blackberry? Read this: Lad’s Blackberry sets his bed on fire and scars him for life


Kian McCreath age 11 from Coventry with the mobile phone) - An 11-year-old boys bed was set on fire by his brothers mobile phone while he was sleeping last Sunday night.
Terrified ... Kian could have died

A SCHOOLBOY has been left scarred for life after he claimed a brand new Blackberry phone BLEW UP in flames while he slept.
Terrified Kian McCreath, 11, ran from his room in the middle of the night screaming as melted plastic stuck to his legs and his bed caught fire, his parents said.

The boy, from Coventry, said: “I ran out of my room just screaming my head off and my mum came running up the stairs and luckily put out the flames.”
The burn marks left after the explosion
Danger ... the burn marks left after the explosion

Kian’s mother Sarah, 39, was woken by her son at 2.30am on Sunday as he ran into her room crying: “My bed is on fire!”
He was then rushed to University Hospital Coventry in agony where he was treated for nasty burns to his right foot and left leg.
Sarah said: “My son could quite easily have died. It sends a shiver down my spine to think what could have happened.”
The phone, which belonged to 13-year-old brother Mason, had been taken off charge shortly before the explosion.
Company is investigating
Blackberry ... company is investigating
Dad Pete, 39, said: “I'm shaking just talking about it. If it had been any worse I could have my sons in boxes right now.
“Kian has burns to his lower legs where it exploded. It's left him mentally scarred as well. Kian won't even go back into his bedroom.”
The parents are calling for the Blackberry Curve 9320 phones to be recalled before there is a fatality.
A spokesman from Blackberry makers, Research in Motion, said: “We take claims of this nature very seriously and are investigating this matter as a priority.”

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