Friday, December 14, 2012

I Have 3 Wives And 20 Girlfriends-86 Year Old Musician Fatai Rolling Dollar Speaks

86 year old musician Fatai Rolling Dollar who rose to fame after his "won kere si number wa" track recently granted an interview to National Mirror which I found quite interesting. I copied the most amusing part of the interview, for your reading pleasure. Read it when you continue. Enjoy.

What was your childhood like?

I was very rascally. Oh yes, when I was growing up, I was an original rascal.

And women loved you then?

Yes, they loved me because of my job. You know women love musicians. Apart from that, I was very handsome when I was much younger. I was light-skinned.

Tell us about your love life?

I’m admired by lots of women because I’m strong.

Where is the source of your strength?

God almighty is the source of my strength. I don’t smoke weed, I don’t take medicine but I smoke cigarette (he says, puffing hard on his cigarette). My strength is from God and can you imagine that today, all over the world, I’m the oldest musician that is still playing on the stage?

Why are you this strong even in your old age?

You know, there is something somebody should not take when he becomes old. I don’t take meat, for instance. I’m off beer as well. But my major problem is women (he paused for a while, gazing up at the writer).

But you said you admire women a lot, how are they then your major problem?

I still say it that women are my major problem. I love them so much. You don’t blame me for that; after all, my mother is a woman and I loved her so much and she loved me. So, women are problems to me, especially when I see the beautiful ones. I admire them a lot and that admiration is from the bottom of my heart. Do you know I have a daughter of two years from my third wife? That goes to show how much I love women. Look at me, at my age, I’m stile agile and I’m still producing (giggles).

Are you romantic?

Yes I am, don’t I look it? At 86, I’m still very romantic. If I meet a woman who is not romantic, I would teach her to be romantic. I will teach the person the A, B, C of romance. lol.

How many wives do you have?

I have two black women and one white woman. You know I travel a lot, so I met my white wife abroad and I married her.

Do you have a girlfriend now?

Yes, I have. I have up to 20.

Twenty? How are you able to be with all of them?

No, there is no sex in the relationship. We just stay together and I advise them. They bring goodies to me. You know women have power to bring good things. They have the power to open good doors of success. That is why we can’t do without them.

You know in Africa, women are looked down upon, what do you say about this?

People that do that are ignorant of the power of women. If a man wants to succeed in life, he should not frustrate women; he should be their friend. Let them like and admire you. Women can make you and they can mar you, if you take them for granted. This simply means that women can make something good and also have the power to make something terribly bad. That is the fact, whether you believe it or not. If you want to live long, don’t frustrate your woman, don’t maltreat her and don’t also underestimate her power. Believe me.

How about men who batter their wives at the slightest provocation?

I see them as weak boxers. I’m not a boxer; I’m a lover (giggles). I don’t beat women; I have never done that before in my life.

Most men, when they are old start having one ailment or the other. What ailment do you have?

None! No ailment at all. I’m not managing any sickness. God is managing me.

If given another chance, would you love to take another wife?

Yes, why not? But it would be only under one condition. The condition is that the lady would write it down that she would be responsible to raise any child or children that come from the marriage or relationship. You know that I’m old. I’m not ready to take care of any child now. If you love me, you take care of your child from me.

What is your advice for younger musicians?

Know what to sing. Be watchful over the wordings of your songs. Don’t just sing rubbish. In my own time, if you are singing and you mention the word ‘breast’, they would destroy your record, honestly. Don’t be vulgar in your songs.

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