Sunday, December 9, 2012

10 things women say in arguments to hurt men

These verbal barbs are sometimes worse than punches as they stay with you forever and can make for you to really hate your partner.

Many times we are faced with the unfortunate situation of squaring off with our “better half” over a disagreement. Some couples settle things passive aggressively, some come to fisticuffs (don’t do it fellas) and others come to a ground and go right back to loving one another.

For the people who aren’t fortunate enough to settle things in a fight – the worst things are said, heard and remembered. These verbal barbs are sometimes worse than punches as they stay with you forever and can make for you to really hate your partner.

The following list contains some of the most venomous words heard by men when their women are intent on causing hurt. For you men reading, let me know if any have been left out.

10 Things Women Say in Arguments To Hurt Men
1.It’s funny how much you hate your father when you’re just like him in every way.
2.You need to go find you a (insert race) girl.
3.That’s why you have a little dick!
4.I f—ed your friend Mike when you were on that business trip.
5.I knew I should have never got with your broke ass.
6.I wanted my babies to have (insert feature that man lacks) anyway.
7.Man up! I bet you have a bigger pussy than mine!
8.You need to take your mother’s titty out your mouth. Momma’s boy!
9.All my friends say you’re gay and on the down low.
10.I didn’t say that I wouldn’t get married. I just don’t want to marry you.

Every time someone posts a list like this there is an echo of “I didn’t mean it when I said it, I just wanted to hurt him at the time” and we completely get it. But this doesn’t mean that it wasn’t a messed up thing to say in the first place. Lady denizens, are you guilty of saying a few of these things? Let us know.


Greg Dragon is the founder, publisher and editor-in-chief here at the Hall of The Black Dragon Magazine.

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