Tuesday, September 25, 2012

More countries to block YouTube, Google over Mohammed video?

Iran blocked YouTube and its owner Google over the weekend because of an inflammatory movie trailer about the Prophet Mohammed that has infuriated Muslims in many countries around the world.

The sites were blocked “because of public demand,” Iran’s semiofficial Mehr news agency said Monday.

“Google and YouTube continued to carry the film clip that insulted our people’s sacred beliefs,” the agency said, citing an unnamed source in Iran’s Internet Authority.

Iran’s president slams anti-Islam film

Iran was responding to a 14-minute online trailer for “Innocence of Muslims,” a once obscure film that mocks Mohammed as a womanizer, child molester and killer.

There are indications that, more middle east countries will join Iran in the blocking of this search engine.

Just imagine if a country like Nigeria should block google and youtube for just 1hr

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