Sunday, August 19, 2012

Woman Marries African Gardener on Vacation; Her Husband Burns Her Gucci Shoes and Purses

A mother of six says that she found true love with her 25-year old African gardener. The woman, who hails from Wakefield, West Yorkshire, says that she met the man while she was married, and has no regrets of “mingling” with him sexually during an African vacation.

The woman left her husband and married her lover in Gambia. Michelle Plews’ husband, Darrell Plews, claims that the woman was not yet divorced from her man when she married the new guy. She says that’s not true.

The husband obviously wasn’t happy about his wife’s “change of heart”. Darrell went to her house while she was home and made a large bonfire out of her 50 handbags and expensive shoes. Gucci, Jimmy Choo and Vivienne Westwood were all rolling over in their graves (or offices, whichever one), as the husband made sure his wife realized the consequences of leaving her man for life with a stranger.

“Every single thing down to my last pair of knickers, my last earring, photos of the kids, college work, things that were irreplaceable, was gone. It was as if I never existed”, she says. “All I had left was what was in the suitcase I’d taken with me”.

Despite the consequences of her decision, the woman says that she’s glad that she found her African prince.

“I’ve always wanted to be with a man like Lamin, but I never thought he existed”, she says. “Daz took my self-confidence away and Lamin has slowly given me that back. He tells me I’m beautiful and that he loves me every day”.

For his part in the ordeal, Michelle’s ex-husband has been sentenced to 12 months in prison and forced to pay his wife $8,000 in restitution for what he did. Michelle denies that her new man married her just to get money or a passport. She also says that she never cheated on her husband.

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